October 2021 Recordings
Leanne H Las Vegas, Nevada 10/30/21
Katie Vero Beach, FL 10/29/21
Steps 2 & 3 Ralph D 10/28/21
Mike S Connecticut 10/27/21
BBS with Lovey R & Michael L 10/26/21
Ellen F Milford, CT 10/25/21
Michael S -MPG Live 10/24/21
Brooke B Las Vegas, Nevada 10/23/21
Sally Gulfport, Mississippi 10/22/21
Step 1 Ralph D 10/20/21
Chris B Reno, Nevada 10/20/21
BBS with Lovey R & Michael L 10/12/21
Dawn N Trumbull, CT 10/18/21
Matt S California 10/16/21
Jack R Vero Beach, FL 10/15/21
Step 12 with Steve F 10/14/21
Mo C Connecticut 10/13/21
BBS with Lovey R & Michael L 10/12/21
Tali P Longmont, CO 10/11/21
Marcus California 10/9/21
Craig Vero Beach, FL 10/8/21
Step 11 with Steve F 10/7/21
Doug C Limerick, Maine 10/6/21
BBS with Lovey R &Michael L 10/5/21
Michael L 10/4/21
Annie G Las Vegas, Nevada 10/2/21
Mike M Vero Beach, FL 10/1/21